Katha and Havans

A Havan is a sacred fire ceremony in which various forms of the Divine are invoked in a sacred fire that has been kindled according to the guidelines in the Vedic scriptures.

Certain special offerings are made into the fire while Sanskrit Mantras are chanted. The combination of the powerful energy of the fire and the Sanskrit mantras creates extremely auspicious and purifying
vibrations that are beneficial to all who attend . Every kind of negative karma can be purified by the sacred fire, due to divine grace.

Types of Havan

1. Sri Maha Mritunjaya Havan: This Havan can be performed to overcome illnesses.
2. Sri Suktam Havan: This Havan is performed to overcome any financial hardships or improve job prospects.
3. Nava Graha Havan: This Havan is performed to appease any planets that are giving you malefic influences.
4. Rurda Havan: This Havan is performed to appease Lord Siva.
5. Ayushaman Havan: This Havan is performed to overcome illnesses and improvements in health from surgery, accidents. It helps in improving the longevity as well as the quality of health in general.
6. Chandi Havan: This Havan is performed to appease Divine Mother Durga by chanting the 800 Slokas of Sri Chandi Saptasati.
7. Ganapati Havan: This Havan is performed to remove any obstacles in your life, and it helps students in their studies for better grades.

Satyanarayan Katha from the Skhandh Puran where the Lord Vishnu has given the benediction that who ever performs this Satay vrat pooja he have his wishes fullfilled. Shanti Havan is performed to bring about peace within the home ,to bless your family members the whole dynasty.